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Year: 2024

Dangerous Driving (456A/24)

Please could you break down the following information for the 2021 calendar year, 2022 calendar year and the 2023 calendar year, and reply separately for each offence listed below.
1a) How many reports of dangerous driving, causing death by dangerous driving, causing death by careless driving and causing death by careless driving when under the influence of drink or drugs were recorded by your force over the requested period?

Revenge Porn (461A/24)

I am writing to request information on reports of revenge porn, or the disclosure of sexual photographs and films with the intent to cause distress, received by your force between 2017 and 2024.

Evidence Bags (371A/24)

Please confirm if WMP purchases evidence bags or tamper proof security seals or whether these are centrally purchased by another organisation? if so specify which body/organisation?