Honour-Based Abuse ADR (398A/23)
Please can you share how many victims of those HBA offences were identified within your jurisdiction during 2021-22?
Please can you share how many victims of those HBA offences were identified within your jurisdiction during 2021-22?
The number of crimes investigated under the following HO codes: 066/23, 066/24, 066/25, 066/26, 066/27, 066/28, 066/45, 066/46, 066/47, 066/48, 066/49, 066/50, 066/51, 066/52, 125/09, 125/11, 125/12, 125/58, 125/61 and 125/63.
How many incidents reported to police control rooms were flagged as domestic abuse
How many men and women have reported the following crime – Administering a substance with intent to commit a sexual offence between January 1st, 2021, to 30th November 2022?
The number of crimes reported – or incidents to which police were called – to your force relating to physical or verbal abuse of a person described to be refereeing or otherwise officiating a football match
Please confirm if your Force reports victims and or witnesses of crime to the Home Office for immigration enforcement.
Does your organisation use on-premise or cloud storage or both?
Is there a speed tolerance on the fixed cameras used in your force area, and if so, what is the tolerance? For example, 10% + 2mph.
The number of requests for the deletion of images in your custody image database received by your force in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
How many of these incidents were tagged as involving mental health, each year?