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Year: 2023

Revenge Porn (1653A/22)

Please can you provide figures for the number of revenge porn offences where the victim was between the ages of 0-17, and the method of communication was a social media platform. Please can you break down this data by social media platform.

Vagrancy Act (1569A/22)

Under the Freedom of Information Act can I ask for the following information from your authority on homelessness convictions and arrests amongst under 18s.

I would like to request the information in questions 1-3 for the annual data for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 (if possible).

Speeding (1627A/22)

I would like to know, from the start of 2022 up to now:

The fastest 20 vehicle speeds recorded by West Midlands Police, excluding emergency vehicles.

To clarify, these are vehicles which have been captured by speed cameras, motorway cameras, mobile police vans or by any other means.

Gangs (1551A/22)

This request relates to information and intelligence that West Midlands Police gathers and stores for the purpose of tackling gang-related crimes and violence.
1. Does West Midlands Police operate a ‘Gang Database’?

Speeding (1517A/22)

I would like to know the top 10 roads where motorists were caught speeding from the start of 2022 up to now for each of Wolverhampton, Walsall, Dudley, Sandwell and Birmingham.

Uplift (827A/23)

How many individuals who joined the force during the Uplift recruitment programme (November 2019 to end of March 2023) resigned during their probation period?

1 42 43 44 45 46 66