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Year: 2023

Stalking (705A/23)

1) Can you please provide me with the total number of coercive control cases AND stalking cases that your police force has dealt with over the past five years? Please display the total case numbers for coercive control and stalking separately.

Crimes and Callouts (695A/23)

What percentage of crimes reported to your force between 6 April 2022 and 5 April 2023 were domestic-abuse? Please provide the raw numbers if possible. If you do not have information that up-to-date, please provide for the first three quarters of the specified period.

Speeding (639A/23)

I would like to know, since the start of 2022 up to now:
The total number of drivers issued with speeding PCNs for each speed – for example, a table laid out with the total PCNs for 31mph, 32mph, 33mph etc up to the highest speed recorded.
If possible, please also set out how many of these were average speed cameras, fixed speed cameras, mobile police units or other means.

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