Recruitment Structure (978A/23)
I would like to request the structure of your current police officer recruitment process, and the order in which the stages progress.
I would like to request the structure of your current police officer recruitment process, and the order in which the stages progress.
How many individuals under the age of 18 have been dealt with by means of ‘Outcome 21’ (per the Home Office counting rules) for any offence relating to consensual child sexting in:
a) 2019
b) 2020
c) 2021
1. What information do you provide to third parties with regards to lost or stolen property?
The number of applications for shotgun certificates over the last 5 years. (broken down by year)
The number of car theft incidents reported to your force between 1 January 2023 and 30 June 2023
I would like to know, from the start of 2023 up to now:
1) Total number of speeding PCNs issued in WMP force area
This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, regarding arrests for drug offences.
Please share the following information for the financial years between 2015/16 up to and including 2022/23:
Q1) The number of under 18s arrested for drug offences, broken down into financial years (e.g. 2015/16, 2016/17 etc) and a grand total. (All nationalities, including UK)
Do Police Staff need to complete or submit a Line Manager Endorsement form or similar/equivalent document to be able to submit an internal job application? If this isn’t required at the initial time of applying when is this required (if at all)?
Under the provisions of the freedom of information act, I would like to know if the blocking / obstruction of vehicles, on a highway / road, classed as a protest, is illegal or legal?
1) For all shoplifting cases, the total value of, and number of the items stolen broken up by the type of item stolen (and by year/month if possible).