Dog Attacks (683A/23)
Q1: Please can you provide the number of reported dog attacks in your force area in 2022.
Q2: Please can you provide the number of reported dog attacks in your force area for every year since 2010?
Q1: Please can you provide the number of reported dog attacks in your force area in 2022.
Q2: Please can you provide the number of reported dog attacks in your force area for every year since 2010?
Between September 2015 to the present day, what was the total number of sextortion online (ST) cases reported?
Under the DPA 2018, we are requesting information regarding the training of police officers in relation to the Attorney General’s Guidelines on Disclosure and the NPCC and the CPS Joint Principles for Redaction.
Please could you provide me with the number of disability-related hate crimes for the period 2013-2018, broken down by the day they were reported.
I would like to request the number of crimes categorised as domestic abuse, or domestic violence, reported to West Midlands Police in 2023 to date, 2022, 2021 and 2020.
Between the years July 2015 – July 2022, I would like the following information, broken down by year.
1. How much per year did your police force spend on training officers
· Of this, how much went into training new recruits
According to ‘inews’, 175 recruits recruited under the Police Uplift Programme (PUP) to your force have left their job:
Please provide all relevant statistical information showing why they quit.
A figure for total recorded crime on a 12-monthly basis for 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 (from January to December).
1) How many West Midlands police officers have been dismissed over the last three years following a misconduct hearing? (2019 – 2022)
1. The total number of officers in the following departments for each of the years 2016-2022, broken down by calendar year as well as department and provided in an Excel format. In the case of c) please give the number of control room staff for the same set of calendar years broken down in the same way:
Police Control Room